Siege of the city

Once more into the breach

The great siege begins



Site Info: NM State Parks charges a $5 per- vehicle parking fee for day trip or $10 per vehicle per night. This is in addition to, and paid separately from, the event registration. The fee will be collected at gate.

Site is wet but NO GLASS containers allowed outside vehicle or tent. This is a strictly enforced park rule.
Please avoid parking on vegetation as the site is ecologically protected.
Electric RV sites must be reserved by you on the Park’s website. They go quickly.
You must bring your own food. There may not be any food available at the event. The nearest grocery is 30 miles away. Water is available at the park.
Weather can vary from freezing to high 80s. Snakes and poisonous insects inhabit the area.
Combat archery is encouraged.
Pets are allowed on leashes, subject to NM State Park rules.

Directions: From the West: take I-10 east to exit 82A in Deming, NM. Turn left on Hwy 180 and go north for 24 miles. Take a right on Hwy 61 and go 3.2 miles, then follow signs to the park. From the East: take I-10 west to exit 82A in Deming, NM. Turn left on Hwy 180 and go north for 24 miles. Take a right on Hwy 61 and go 3.2 miles, and follow the signs to the park from there. From the North: Take I-25 south to exit 41 and merge onto NM-26 S/State Rte 543 toward Hatch. Follow NM-26 S from Hatch to Hwy 180 in Deming. Turn right on Hwy 180 and go north for 22.7 miles. Take a right on Hwy 61 and go 3.2 miles and follow the signs to the park from there.

Friday September 23, 2022 – Sunday September 25, 2022 OPENS: 4:00 pm Friday Closes 12:00 pm Sunday City of Rocks State Park: 327 Hwy 61, Faywood, NM 88034
Event Steward: Lord John Wryght (Russell Coryell) 575-993-4786 Event Registration: Adults: $25 Adult member: $20 Youths- Free

“We are holding an auction for the Royal travel fund please bring your items and turn them in at gate when checking in. Items can also be given to Ealusaid if you are not coming to Siege with us.






Combat Scenarios

To be announced!


List opens at 8:30am with armor inspection and authorizations until 10:00am.

Quick Schedule

  • 8:00 – Site opens

Class Schedule

Classes will be held throughout the day


1. Embroidery: Basic Stitches

Intro stitches for decorative embroidery to liven up your garb and accessories. Taught by Lady Arnora Ulfvaldsdottir

2. Period Pigment: Non toxic period pigments for scribes

Creating your own paints makes your art that much more special. This class will touch on which pigments are non toxic that are easy to produce and create for beginners. Taught by THLady Dragoslava Ikonnikova

3. Battle Scrolls
Class Description: Have you ever been to an event that, for a multitude of reasons, their Majesties or their Excellencies need a scroll done before court in a few short hours and because they know you to be a scribe went to you asking you to produce one? While this situation isn’t always ideal, it can introduce a new and exciting challenge for those who enjoy the scribal arts. Who knows? You may enjoy that challenge and your best pieces could be produced when under pressure.

This class is designed to teach aspiring battle scribes the materials, and techniques needed when one is placed in the position. Even if you aren’t a scribe and are just curious on what a battle scribe is, this class should be fun for all with a lot of interesting and useful information. What materials should and should not be used when in a short time restriction? What tools and equipment should always be in your battle scribe box? Where to get the texts needed for the scrolls? What should be done in advance before the event where this could happen?
All of these questions will be answered at my class, so please come and enjoy. Taught by THLady Dragoslava Ikonnikova

4.Find Your Medieval Humor!

A fun look at the history of midieval humorism, humor diagnosis, and balancing. Taught by Lady Tula

Combat Archery hands on class/demo/discussion

Do you love combat archers when they remove that troublesome spearman in the opposite line that no one can seem to tag. Do you hate Combat Archers because they can cut short your melee fun. Come join Lord Gormr and Lord Sigfrid (of YouTube helmet cam fame after the scenarios for a class and discussion about Combat Archery. We will have heavy and light crossbows as well as hand bows for you to try. We will cover just what Combat Archers can do, and cannot do at war, blow calibration, tactics, how you can use Combat Archers to make your unit more effective at war, and anything else related you want to bring up. Lord Gormr is an Authorizing Marshal so we can get into rules, authorizations and what you need to do to add CA to your war fighting kit.

When: After Saturday melee scenarios
Where: Near the group picnic shelter